What’s your rational? Try the Tyler Rational!

In regards to my personal education and schooling, I believe that the Tyler rationale played a pretty vital role. Looking back, I believed that it was embedded into almost all aspects of my schooling. My education was primarily evaluation and measurement based. We learned the material in essentially only lecture-based settings at our own individual desks facing forward towards the teacher who held the authority. I now realize how traditional of a method this is. My education lacked the curriculum as a process aspect to teaching. Not much evaluation or credit was given for the work put into an assignment, only the quality of the final project.

Were we molded and made more efficient like the Frederick Taylor Industrial Movement?

Some basic limitations of the Tyler Rationale are that it constricts and binds students to this cookie cutter mold. It only accepts and acknowledges students that excel in tested settings when in reality, not everyone’s strengths are based on evaluation. Many individuals excel and do their best work in the process of it all, but that is not acknowledged in this traditional school sense.

I feel that this rationale inhibits creativity. No students is required to think at a higher level or urged outside of their comfort zone. Having time limits and a large focus on the end product can be very constricting to the creative process. Why urge people to leave creativity at the door? Does Tyler not appreciate aesthetics and innovation?

Do we really want our children to be blind to the creative and aesthetic aspects of the educational process?

There are in fact some possible benefits of the Tyler rationale. For the individuals that do work well in an evaluation type setting, they would thrive, prosper and do very well throughout their education. Also, using this rationale is nice for outlining what is needed of students and the end goal. Especially for myself, I like to know what I will be learning and planning ahead. This rationale is ideal for learners of this nature.

9 thoughts on “What’s your rational? Try the Tyler Rational!

  1. I enjoyed reading your blog post. The traditional way you were taught was very similar to the way I was taught. Throughout your post you brought up some really great points that I have also been contemplating. It seems like we need to find a balance between the Tyler Rationale and a more creative open-ended approach where we focus more on the process than the product.


  2. I believe you are completely correct about the fact that this type of rational does not allow for much creativity. As teachers we need to look at whether we want students who write tests and thats it or if we want students who have creative minds. As a future teacher would you be willing to take the extra time to create projects that allow for creativity instead of just doing everything by the book?


  3. Great post! Clearly, a majority of us were taught in a similar fashion through K to 12. I’m glad you highlighted how it inhibits creativity! I feel by teaching in a manner that inhibits a child’s creativity, there are lasting effects that may greatly impact their future. It is important that we acknowledge the benefits of testing and knowing where we are at, but is there a way we can effectively balance and incorporate the several approaches that we see being effective models to teach our diverse classroom? With a lot of work it is possible, it leaves me overwhelmed, being a perfectionist, thinking of how to ensure there is no child left behind in my classroom. With the loss and cuts to assistants, I believe, and you may agree, it will continue to get more difficult to truly and effectively reach diverse ways of learning and ensure creativity does not get lost along the way.


  4. In your last paragraph you mentioned that a benefit of the Tyler Rationale is the predictability. For people like yourself, you like to have a goal and to know how you can reach it. When I read that I immediately thought of you as a product of the Tyler Rationale. Perhaps you like to learn that way because that is how you were expected to learn from K-12. As you said yourself, the Tyler Rationale played a vital role in your school years.

    I also like your point about creativity. If we as educators stray away from the Tyler Rationale, it allows us to be creative as well as enhance the creative abilities of the learners. Like we talked about in the seminar on Friday, teacher as learner, and learner as teacher. The Tyler Rationale doesn’t leave much room for open-minded creativity.


  5. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post! Like most, we experienced education very similarly. The cookie cutter mold was where we remained. I do believe that for some students they can excel with this type of learning style, but for most they need more of a creative and innovative learning environment. We as educators need to provide this opportunity to our future students!


  6. In reading your blog today, I am feeling a strong connection to your words. I don’t honk the cooking cutter mole analogy you use is a perfect way describe the outcome of the teaching methods. I am a big believer in diversity in education and we will all take different things from what we are learning, this way of teaching does not allow for all of the diversity of children.


  7. While reading your post, you caught my attention at the word creativity. I am a strong believer in creativity and I think it should be used within a class. It might stem from my background as a dancer, either way I think it is important to allow students to use their creativity in school. It allows students to think it a different way and is so open ended, creativity can be taken in so many different ways. Like you said, I agree the Tyler Rational takes the creativity away from students.
    Great post,


  8. Like many of the other comments on your post, I was engaged with the concept of creativity being void in the Tyler rationale. I agree with it being allowed and expressed in classrooms, not only because it creates a more enjoyable experience for students and can assist many to reach higher academic levels than the traditional way, but especially since today’s job market calls for “creative” thinkers. So, I find it almost crucial to giving students the best chance of success in today’s world, by making daily opportunities for students to flex their creative muscles.


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